Friday, March 13, 2015


Sometimes I feel like going for a lonesome stroll late at night, 
to escape this stress, these schedules and time,
to a place full of peace and shine.
When everyone is sleeping and everything is quiet.
When the night clouds are peacefully drifting across the sky, 
and the moon is full, shining oh so bright!
When the stars twinkling like rainbow lights,
and the lilies singing  ancient melodies with delight.
When trees are dancing happily with the wind,
and the crickets, frogs and owls joins in from time to time.
I wish I could sit there for hours and write poetry on different things,
without being scared of Monsters.
Oh Yes Monsters.
They are everywhere these days. 
Lurking in the shadows, 
Planning the perfect time to strike;
These Monsters are not at all supernatural,
in fact they are amongst us, walking, breathing, existing humans. 
More terrifying. More real.