Friday, September 23, 2011

My Little Fighter

Note: This is not a fiction, it’s a true story. So, for all those who only loved to read fiction, avoid reading this, as this story might not be of any interest to you.

A letter of love to my son. The finest man I know, other than his Dad. 
My Little Fighter,

I always thought of telling you lots of things but sometimes words, sometimes work stopped me to do so. But finally today I have decided to jot down all the things that I wanted to tell you. You won’t be able to understand this letter today, but someday, when you’re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I’m sharing with you today. You are in my blood, you are my little fighter and you are precious to me. I told you, early and often that I would love you no matter what. 

I still remember the day when for the first time I saw you, tiny little, most fragile, hidden from the world safely in my womb. Just like other expectant mothers I was also looking forward for the moment of holding you in my arms. My due date came and passed but you were not ready to come out. I got worried, but doctor said that it’s absolutely healthy and fine. But nothing was fine. It was almost as if my body had been trying to tell me something. I felt terribly wrong. I cried please treat me, my baby is in danger, I can feel it. Somehow doctor got ready for operation. There were some complications in your birth, so when you were born doctors may have known that there was some damage in the brain from the first moment. You were born with Cerebral Palsy, something that leads to problems with movement, posture and coordination as the child grows up, something which cannot let you roll over, crawl, and sit up unassisted or anything. At that moment I did not know what this meant, all I knew was that you are different and somehow God has decided for me that I should be blessed with a child who will be relying only on my daily good judgment for its life’s needs. 

I keep trying to stay positive in the hope that one day you will come out of this problem, but I am not Mother Teresa. 

As the years passed, things started to get very challenging and sometimes I found myself in very difficult situations when I read that “Why me” question in your eyes, when you see other children of your age or younger playing or running around. I could hear your voice asking me, why Mommy, why I cant run and play with other kids, why I cannot hold a toy, why I cannot put food into my own mouth, why this injustice to me, why cant I be normal like others. 

Son, there is nothing I wouldn't give to go back and change things. But that isn’t possible. What’s done is done, you were born this way and you can’t change that, you are not different but you are special. I know you are strong. Your dad and I are trying our hardest to give you the best life possible. Every milestone of yours is a kind of personal victory for us. Rather than buying cars, I buy treatments and equipment, and staff that will facilitate and help the mobility progress of yours. It has been tough to watch you struggle in ways I can't even imagine, but I have confidence that all these things are going to help you. 

No mother likes to see her child in pain. There are days when I am at my breaking point and all I want to do is to cry and cry. I still remember the time when you had issues with sleeping, you always jerked yourself awake and the only way to get you any sleep is to hold you close and let you sleep, I stay awake all night holding you close to my chest so that you can sleep peacefully. And I remember being almost overwhelmed with the responsibility I felt for the safety and well being of yours. But I knew I could do it. 

Although you have everything in the world going against you, you still are the happiest kid in the world. If I am having a bad day, I will often look to you for inspiration. It’s amazing how much I have learned in my years on this earth from a disabled 4 year old kid. You always seem to know when I am sad and you will do your best to give me a great big hug. 

You are a boy who is full of enthusiasm and sweetness and brightness and good humor and all sorts of wonderfulness. You love eating chocolate, ice-cream and birthday cake, you adore rain, you're obsessed with the movies & TV show; you give the most delicious slurpy kisses; you enjoy all sorts of music, you have a happy squeal that makes strangers smile and a giggle that makes the world laugh with you. I am not exaggerating when I say that you charm everyone who meets you even grumpy people. You are my very best friend as I am yours; and I wouldn't have it any other way. I learned a lot from you—inner strength, courage, endurance, and greater faith. That is the true happiness of motherhood. If I had to do it all over again, I would a million times. 

On this day, in the Fifth summer of your life, I want you to know that I love you infinitely. 

With all my love 

(Just because things are different they aren't bad or unpleasant: they are just different. And different can be an inspiration. This Mom is an absolute inspiration. As she touchingly puts it, this was a far cry from the dreams she had had for her son before his birth. And she understands her kid better than anyone else even if he can't talk; even if he can't gesture; even if he can't look in the eye. She know. She just know). 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Don't let the pain become your identity

My mom slapped me I wanna die :( 
I am not getting a job , I wanna die :(
Nobody loves me, I wanna die :(
My wife/husband always fights with me, I wanna die :(
The Acne Destroyed My Life, I wanna die :(
I'm bored with my life, I wanna die :(

Gosh, the list for “I wanna die” reasons is never-ending. There are so many reasons that make us hopeless and helpless at times, shatter us so much that we want to end our lives. But is life actually that cheap? I mean one small problem and we wanna die. Why we take life as granted. Why we assume “Death” the only solution to end all our problems. Why we keep on complaining about what we don’t have? Why we are always busy cursing fate? Why don’t we feel grateful for what we have?

So your mother hits you and you feel like ending your life. If you really feel like ending life then you truly deserve that smack. She risked her life to give you life. I know sometimes its not easy dealing with your mom. She may seem bossy or sometimes just plain crazy but killing life for a small reason is just not fair. Some battles you just can't win. Just agree to disagree, instead of dragging out the fight, accept that she's not likely to see things in your way. Moms often become overbearing because they feel threatened when you start to show signs of independence. Make time for her; arrange a day to hang out each week, so she backs off a little. Even talking to your dad can help to resolve the conflict. Give each other some space. Always remember “God could not be everywhere therefore he made mothers. Never say mean things to your mom in the heat of the moment. She'll likely have a hard time getting over the altercation.
"Be very thankful to God that you have a mom coz not everyone is that lucky.”

You are not getting any job, you wanna die. Is this really a big issue? How long have you been looking? A week or two? May be your standards are too high, widen your friend circle, talk to lots of people and let everyone know that you really need a job. One thing you need to keep in mind is that in today’s economy, for every 1 job there are 10 applicants, which reduces your chance of being that lucky 1/10 people who gets picked for a job. Be thankful to God that you got education and now you looking for a job. Because there are many who can’t even afford being in a college. You are worth a lot to a lot of people and I mean a lot. You are not alone, but death is definitely not the answer.

Nobody loves you, so you wanna end your life. Just because someone doesn't loves you the way you want them doesn't mean, they don't love you. Not all emotions are expressed through words. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I, we can just feel the wind. Just like wind, our emotions are invisible. We can't see them directly with our normal vision rather we feel them in our bodies. Feel the love, feel the need and feel the life. Be happy inside be confident. Love yourself before someone else can love you. When you basically love and accept yourself, you don’t need the approval or acceptance of someone else.

Your wife/husband always fight, you wana die. Let's face it, you've got a better chance of surviving cancer today than for having a successful long-term relationship, but again this is just a phase, it will go away. If you truly care about the relation, clarify, don't assume. Apologize if your partner feels hurt. If nothing works take advice from right marriage counselor, they can help in saving your marriage. Try everything to improve your marriage. If your spouse refuses to change or you dont see one ounce of improvement after several months of hard work, it’s time to think about getting a divorce and start thinking about living the rest of your life. When the couples don't even talk to each other anymore or can't stand each other anymore perhaps to the point of only wanting to hurt each other's feelings, divorce seems to be the best strategy. No one can tell you the right thing to do. It’s your decision. It’s your choice. It’s your life. It’s your happiness. You have to do what is BEST for you because you deserve the BEST.

Ok so you have acne, you are ugly, fat, not good looking, right. Yup there are problems but not so big that you think to end your life. Death isn’t worth it. Try to focus on positive thoughts and activities. I am sure you must have some qualities that you like about yourself. Might be you are funny, intelligent, sincere, generous. You may have a positive influence on others even then you think you're useless. And to improve your body structure, hit the gym, watch what you eat, that will help with the weight and acne. It doesn't matter how other people think of you, just try and live life to the fullest. 

So you are bored with life and wanna end it. I pity anyone who chooses not to live. At least you HAVE your life unlike those who are suffering from incurable diseases. I still remember last words of alcoholic, 22, who died after being refused liver transplant, “Please help me Mum and I don't want to die. I want to live.” You are lucky you have a long life in your hand to do whatever you want. NEVER QUIT! Yes, life is not always great, but we should always look forward to the good times. Whatever you're suffering, skin problems, weight problems, not having a good job, you can always recover from it. Complaining or hating God will not help you. You need to do something constructive. DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO. You have one chance, one life; try to find out what it means to be alive. Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal. Running water does not flow back.So is life, make it happy! Enjoy every moment of your life. There is no second chance in life...