Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Soul Would Never Depart

I can feel your pain even if you are thousand miles away,
I wish I could do everything to help you
But all I can do is just PRAY…
I want to protect you, want to be your shed
Want to take you for a lovely life ahead
I want to save you from the terrible nightmares
Coz whatever happening to you is just not fare
Hate those words that you uttered last night
But I know that was out of frustration from life
The sinful world is making you something that you never were
But I promise I will never leave you in life's toughest sphere
But I fear  A fear…
A fear of not running fast with you
And your grip will slowly slip through my weathered hands
I promise I will never stop and will crawl with all the bruises I get
coz I know you will miss me and cry when you will turn back
and you will search for me in the dark
I promise i will never let you lose your spark
I will be with you under the same sky
I might die and get depart but my love will never die
Memories will never die
My soul will never die…..

1 comment:

  1. Its simply awesome and heart touchy too.. Its always a gal's dream if someone come into her life and say and feel something like this for her....
